Every decision can be designed.
Especially your own.
From the choices you make in meetings, to the features you prioritize, to the feelings your customers remember — every human experience is an opportunity to design a more effective behavior. Joel Marsh combines award-winning UX design and behavioral science to create products and services that have been used by over half-a-billion people, worldwide.
Joel’s Approach:
Scientific Design
Research First.
Every project has requirements and goals, but if you’re asking the wrong questions, you will get the wrong answers. The only design method that will never take you down the wrong path is one that starts with observations, rather than ideas. Good research creates good questions, which lead to good products.
Decision Analysis
The most important flaws in your product happen before you design anything. If you evaluate ideas the wrong way, everything else is irrelevant. A scientific approach to user experience and problem-solving will make your team faster and more effective, by eliminating bad ideas that sound good.
Product Science
Having an idea and making it work are two different things. How do you design a feature that nobody has ever designed? Or find mistakes that people don’t know they’re making? Or test beliefs and feelings? There are proven techniques for inventing products quickly, designing experiments that can’t fail, and discovering big value in small changes. When science meets product, the results can be inspiring.
Brand Mechanics
Visual style is only the surface. Solid branding is built on customer psychology, competitive strategy, and the way information travels. Before you design the way your idea will look, let's design the way it will work in the mind of a customer — or your competitor’s customer.
Measure, Rinse, Repeat.
When a new behavior has been created, it can be measured. Measurements tell you how well the solutions have answered the initial questions. If we like the answer, we’re done. If we don’t, we repeat the process, using what we have learned.
Given time, this process always works.
And usually it doesn’t take much time.
Curious, but not convinced?
That’s good, skepticism is healthy.