Joel Marsh has worked on hundreds of projects, affecting over half-a-billion people worldwide.



Selected Brands

Some of the fine organizations Joel Marsh has worked with.



Selected Cases


Joel Marsh was the Product Lead, Lead UX Designer, or the only designer for each of the following examples, and often the copywriter or marketing strategist. These projects demonstrate what is possible when a client values their users, trusts their team, and is willing to question their own assumptions.


Scrive: e-signing for retail (enterprise SaaS).

Completed in 2017. Re-designed core algorithm and admin tools. 4 months.
Result: Reduced the number of yearly tech support issues from 10,000 to 2.


The UX Crash Course: content marketing.

Completed in 2015. Research, planning, and writing. 3 months.
Result: 1 million unique readers without spending a cent on marketing.


Discovery Networks/Kanal 5: on-demand television.

Completed in 2012. Total re-design of existing website and 5 apps. 4 months.
Result: Beat the previous site’s performance by 85–720% in every key area.


Libresse: branded community.

Completed in 2011. Re-designed one page. 3 weeks.
Result: Doubled the percentage of users that registered, and doubled the percentage that remained active.


Absolut: branded iPhone/iPad apps.

Completed between 2010-2012. Complete UX design for two apps. 3 months each. 
Result: Various industry awards and a Top 10 ranking in the App Store, twice. 


Stardoll: social game community.

Completed between 2009-2010. Five A/B tests. A few weeks each.
Result: Almost tripled the amount of premium upgrades on a site with 100 million users.


Piczo: fashion-blogging platform.

Completed in 2009. Total re-design, re-branding, and re-launch. 8 months.
Result: Doubled the amount of user activity, every week, for 4 weeks in row — with 800,000 users.


Adtoma: ad sales/booking software.

Completed in 2007. Designed new software from scratch. 12 months.
Result: Reduced the time to book an order from 12 minutes to 30 seconds.


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